Attorney Resume - Free Resume Examples
This sample attorney free resume example will give you a quickstart on building an effective and optimized resume for your job application. Visitors can feel free to customize and edit our sample attorney resume as per their requirement for job application. We hope that our free sample attorney resume example will go a long way in portraying your abilities and skillsets efficiently.
Richard Anderson,
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.
The University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Texas
J.D. expected May 2005
G.P.A.: B; Highest Grades: Criminal Law A+, Contracts A
Career Services Committee, student representative
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, May 1998
G.P.A.: 3.8, magna cum laude
University of Peru, Lima, Peru
Semester abroad, Spring 1997
Intense cultural and language immersion; all classes conducted in Spanish.
Professor David M. Rabban The University of Texas School of Law
Research Assistant, Summer 2003
Researched constitutional law issues and drafted sections of a paper on the federal courts to be presented to the Appellate Law section of the American Bar Association.
Office of the Governor The State of Washington, Olympia, Washington
Legislative Intern, September 1998-May 2002
Researched transportation and public safety issues, prepared summaries of legislation for the Governor, and assisted the Governor's Executive Counsel.
Jasons, Zlots, Ozmun and Bradley, P.C., San Francisco, California
Intern, Summer 1998
Wrote winning motion for summary judgment in a suit related to land use issues. Assisted lead attorney in voir dire.
California English Program, San Francisco, California
Volunteer, Summer 1998
Coordinated weekly activities for groups of foreign students to provide them practice in conversational English.
Rhode Island Council on Family Violence, Providence, Rhode Island
Intern, October 1996-February 1998
Counseled crime victims and witnesses regarding their legal rights and protections.
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Dean's List, all semesters
- Freedom Magazine, Editor-in-Chief, 1997-98; Sports Editor, 1996
- Brown Cycling Team, 1995-97
- Creative writing, climbing, fishing, film-making
- Volunteer work for Meals on Wheels
Proficient in Spanish
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