21 September 2007

Knock Out the Competition With Resume Cover Letter Examples

Resume Cover Letters

Knock Out the Competition With Resume Cover Letter Examples by Erik J. Michaels

Resume Cover Letter Samples: In today's working world, the competition is staggering. With over 300 million people in the USA, finding a good job is a tough chore for almost any American. National estimates show that your average American citizen can be on the jobhunt for almost 9 months! With competition like that, you're going to need an edge if you want to find any kind of decent job.

Such an edge does exist. It's not a sure-fire employer snare, but it can drastically raise your chances of getting a better job and cut down your time spent out of work. It's all about the resume cover letter.

Turning in a resume without a resume cover letter is like showing up naked to an interview. Most businesses frown upon nudity in the workplace, so you can imagine that you wouldn't do too awfully well in that interview. Having an excellent cover letter, however, is like wearing a fine, expensive suit...it creates a stunning first impression, gives the employer an idea of the hardworking, responsible person you are, and paves the way to a profitable business relationship. It makes them want you in their business.

Your first round to get through is the resume cover letter round. It's the first thing they'll look at, and it's the first chance for you to impress them. In the initial culling, the Armani cover letters keep going, while the ragtag and nonexistant cover letters get thrown in the incinerator where they belong. Clearly, a good resume cover letter is important.

So how does one go about the acquisition of an Armani resume cover letter? One of the tried-and-true methods is to find somebody who's written one and learn from them. Look at some cover letter examples and see what makes them so great. Learning from the best has been a classic way of improving one's own skills for almost as long as the human race has existed.

This will not only enhance your skill at writing successful resume cover letters, but also a bunch of analysis skills that generally prove invaluable in the workplace and will raise your value in the eyes of employers. Job stability is very dependant on how valuable you are to the company, so naturally this is a good thing.

But I feel I must stress to you one thing right now. A great cover letter has two things required of it that it simply MUST do in order to really be a success. First, it has to present your qualifications. That goes hand in hand with a resume, to which a cover letter is attached anyways. That's kinda common sense, and not too difficult to understand.

However, you must remember that the highest priority of your resume cover letter is to promote and/or request an interview with the potential employer. If your cover letter doesn't do this, rewrite it. Never forget that making perhaps the single most important part of applying for a job is getting the jump from "the next piece of paper in the large stack" to "person sitting in my office" in the minds of your potential employers. You are no longer just another application, and instead become a serious potential employee...that's when the resume cover letter can be considered a success.

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