22 March 2008

How to write a resume

Resume Cover Letters

Free Resume Examples Articles : How to write a resume

A resume consists of several key components, and to write a good resume you need to cover all these aspects. The main items that are required on a resume include your name, contact details (address, telephone and optionally email), your objective, education, previous work experience and references. You may also include other additional information that may be relevant to the job you are applying for such as special interests, computer knowledge, and if you are multilingual you may write down the languages that you speak.

Name and contact details
It is important to put your real name on your resume, and not a nickname. This is to show that you are serious about the position you are applying for. It is also best to give your permanent, residential address so that employers can see where you are located. It is a good idea to list both your home phone number, and your mobile/cell phone number incase you are not available at home when the prospective employer rings.

This is often the focus point on your resume, it outlines to the employer what type of work that you are after and why you are after it. The objective should be a simple sentence or two that is directly related to what work you wish to gain and your qualifications or accomplishments. For more information on this visit .

This is often one of the most important areas when writing a resume. It is important to list all the education you have achieved so that you distinguish yourself from other applicants. If you have a degree, be sure to include the type of degree you achieved (Bachelor, Masters, etc.), your majors, the institution attended, graduation date and years attended. It may be worth providing your grade average, and also any special awards and achievements that you have.

Work Experience
Work experience is also another very highly important category when writing a resume. It shows employers if you have had relevant past experience to the job you are applying for. Ensure that you list the name of the organization, location of the organization, your position with them and the dates you worked with them. You should also describe the work you done with them, ensuring that you use strong and words relevant to the job at hand (for example, if the job you are applying for relies heavily on teamwork, focus on the teamwork aspects in previous jobs). You should list any forms of volunteer work or internships.

Additional Information
This is the area in which you can list anything else that may be relevant, or put you ahead of other applicants. This could be for example if you are multilingual, you could list the languages that you speak. You can also list computer knowledge that you have if computers will be used in the workplace.

It is almost essential to include a reference list when writing a resume. References are most often people you have previously worked for, or if you haven't had a job before you could list teachers or family friends. You must ask references if you can put them on your resume before including them. It is best to have at least two people, and include there name, phone number, what relation they had and organization they work for. If you do not wish to provide references when you first submit you resume, you can write "References available upon request" in which the potential employer will ask you for them when they are ready.

Source: http://www.aroj.com/how-to-write-a-resume.html

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