Free Job Cover Letter Samples by Mario Churchill
When you are hoping to write that attention-grabbing cover letter that really stands out, the first place you should head is to the World Wide Web. Utilize a search engine, type in "cover letter samples," and you are on your way. The only problem you'll have is deciding which website to start looking through first.
There are sites that actually offer tutorials where you can click on a question and it will give you the answer to some common questions regarding cover letters. If you pay attention, maybe even jot down some notes, these can really be helpful. Visit several of the different sites that popped up when you searched "cover letter samples" and take notes at each site you visit. When you are through looking at cover letter samples, simply compile your notes together and start working on the outline for your cover letter.
You will see while browsing through the cover letter samples a wide variety, probably much more than you imagined; they can be quite specific to many jobs or job types, such as part-time, full-time, summer jobs, and freelance work, to name a few. A targeted cover letter sample would be directed towards only one person, one company, and one specific, or at least one type of, job.
You will find sites that offer, for a fee, to make you a magnificent cover letter that is guaranteed to grab the attention of any prospective employer lucky enough to happen upon it. As tempting as this may seem, do not do it. You need to do the work yourself. And have faith! After looking over several different cover letter examples you should have no problem putting together and truly winning look on your own. No one knows you better than you, right? So, make a list of your best qualities, maybe have a spouse, family member or friend help you if have a hard time coming up with ways to compliment yourself, so to speak. Many people do. The people who love you will most certainly see what is best about you.
Add to your list the words your friends and family have given you; if they need a little more pizzazz, dust off your thesaurus (you probably don't really have to "dust one off," most word processing programs have them!) and see if you can use some synonyms that have a bit more flair. After all, you really want this cover letter to shine!
Now, for a bit more of the basics, every cover letter sample you see will probably have a few things in common. They will be as short as they can be while still including everything that would be intriguing to the potential employer. They will avoid fluff as filler, making sure every word counts.
Always remember, that even though to many people a cover letter does not seem very important, it really is, because without an outstanding cover letter, nicely formatted, free of errors, NO TYPOS PLEASE! it is very likely that the prospective employer won't even turn to the next page to see what you really want him to see, your resume. So, review all the cover letter samples that you can, it can only help you!
About the Author
Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on cover letter or cover letters checkout his recommended websites.
Source: Free resume cover letter samples, free job cover letter templates, free cover letter examples information at
27 October 2008
Resume Cover Letter Samples
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Resume Cover Letter
Free Job Resume Cover Letter by Mario Churchill
So, you've finally found your dream job and are ready to create your resume cover letter. If you are hopeful of even getting an interview, and of course you are, then it would behoove you to create as flawless a resume cover letter as you are able. Why? you ask. The answer is simple. This is the first impression that your prospective employer is going to have of you. And as everyone knows, first impressions make a big impression.
You'll want your resume cover letter to be as brief and to the point as possible, while still getting in all of the information that is pertinent. First and foremost, introduce yourself, and inform the employer of the position that you seek. Follow that up with the reasons you feel you are qualified to take on this position. Did you major in something relating to that field in college? Have you held other jobs in the same position as this one, or a similar rank? Have you had other sorts of experience with it? Have you gone above and beyond and achieved special accolades or awards related to this line of work? You can "toot your own horn," so to speak, as long as it is done in a humble manner and, in this case you certainly have a valid reason: to show without a doubt that you are the best person for the job!
But, what if you do not have a college degree in that area, or one at all? What if you have no experience in this field, just a burning desire to work in this industry? Don't despair! Instead of listing all of your education and qualifications, you list the education that you do have, stress what you did especially well in, and then express your fervent aspirations to work in this field, and learn as much as you can, as quickly as you can. It may be difficult for the prospective employer to turn away someone who is as passionate and ambitious about the same career that he is!
Now, while it is very important to inform them of your education, skills, achievements, etc., it's just as important to let them know that you can fit in with their company. No one wants to go through all of the time and money it takes to train a new employee, only to have that new employee turn out to be someone who doesn't fit in with the other employees and disrupts the flow of the office teamwork.
So, in your resume cover letter you should also bring up your personality traits. Mentioning that you have excellent interpersonal skills, enjoy speaking to clients on the phone, enjoy greeting/working with/meeting new people, depending on what exactly your position will entail, all of these demonstrate your intent to be pleasant around others, and indicate that you will be a kind and considerate employee and team player.
So, the prospective employer now knows the job you seek, he knows what degrees and/or experience you have, and he or she is aware that you are quite a pleasant person, to hear you tell it, anyway!
You, my friend, are almost finished and ready to wow them with your resume cover letter. Near the end you will assure them that you feel you are the right person for the job, and that you can and will be an asset to them.
Thank them for their consideration, and let them know that you will be anxious to hear from them to set up an interview at their convenience. Make sure that they have all means of contacting you that you normally use: home phone, cell phone, email address, they seem to be the most common ones.
Last but certainly not least your resume cover letter should be very professional looking. Nothing fancy, cutesy, or decorative. This rule may waver some in certain artistic arenas but in the mainstream business world you would be wise to follow these guidelines.
Of course, it goes without saying that you proofread, proofread, and then proofread again. Have at least one friend read it as well. Use spell check. Read it out loud to yourself and see if it sounds okay to you. Have some else read it to you. You read it to them. It may sound crazy and like too much work but believe me; certain prospective employers might be very impressed by a flawless resume cover letter. The flipside of that would be a resume cover letter with too many errors. Other prospective employers might be quite judgmental, assuming that if you can't go to enough trouble to make your resume cover letter perfect while you are still trying to get the job, what kind of work would you do should you actually get the position. It's always better to err on the side of safety, I think.
So, off you go to write your resume cover letter, good luck, and I hope you get the job!
About the Author
Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on resumes or for a samples resume checkout his recommended websites.
Source: Free resume cover letter samples, free job cover letter templates, free resume cover letter examples information at
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Sample Resume Cover Letter
Free Sample Resume Cover Letter by Mario Churchill
Whenever you send a resume to a company in the hopes of attaining a job, you should always include a cover letter. Many people have more of a difficult time writing the cover letter than the actual resume. A cover letter is not difficult to write and if you would like to see a sample resume cover letter, go online and take a look at some of the letters exhibited on some of the employment websites. They are pretty much form letters.
A sample of a resume cover letter should look something like this:
My name is xxxxx and I am a file clerk. I am enclosing my resume in response to your ad in the Chicago Sun Times for a file clerk. I have been working as a file clerk for the previous three years at the XYZ Law Firm and feel I have all of the qualifications you seek.
I can be reached during the day at xxxxx or by e-mail at xxxxxx. I would very much like an opportunity to sit down with you and discuss the opportunity offered in the Chicago Sun Times.
Thank you for your time and attention. I hope to hear from you.
This is a typical sample resume cover letter. Short and to the point. The first thing you want to do is introduce yourself and your profession. After you do this, you should mention the fact that you have enclosed your resume in response to their ad. You should be certain to mention where you read their ad, whether it was online or in the newspaper. Make sure that you also reference the job that was advertised.
You will want to tell a little bit about yourself in your resume cover letter, but you do not have to elaborate too much. Remember that you are enclosing a resume that will tell your perspective employer all about you. The cover letter is a mere formality. A polite touch to the resume. Many employers do not even read them and they often get tossed away. There is no need to write the great American Novel in your cover letter. But the letter is still necessary.
As you may have noticed in the sample resume cover letter, there is information where the person applying for the job can be reached. And telling the employer that you want to discuss the opportunity is a nice touch in a cover letter. It indicates that you want to learn more about the company. It is just as important for an employee to want to work for the company as it is for the employer to want the employee. An employee should never sound desperate in a cover letter.
Another point in the sample resume cover letter is the prerequisite thank you for your time and a hope to hear from them. This is a very simple sample resume cover letter. It is very to the point and is ideal for someone seeking a mid level job.
If you are seeking a professional level job, such as an attorney, you may want to elaborate a bit more in your over cover letter. Short and sweet is nice for most jobs, but for a professional position, you may want to talk about some of your accomplishments and how you heard about the opening. You can also talk about what you wish to accomplish in your career goals.
One thing you should never put in a cover letter is anything about salary, although more and more employers, particularly those online, are asking for salary requirements to be mentioned in the cover letter. This is usually done to weed out the people who will want too much money as the employers who ask for this information up front normally do not offer high pay. If you are interested in applying for such a position, be sure to add this information as directed.
To find a good sample resume cover letter, you can seek some of the information online at the employment websites. There are also various books on this subject. However, it is not really a difficult task to write a cover letter to accompany a resume.
Prior to writing your cover letter, check out a sample resume cover letter online and study the wording. Be certain to follow the rules as indicated above and make sure you check your spelling and grammar prior to sending the letter to the employer along with your resume.
About the Author
Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on resume distribution or a job finder service checkout his recommended websites.
Source: Free Resume Cover Letters samples, templates, cover letter examples information at
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Dos of Resume, for that perfect touch
Free Resume Samples Articles : Dos of Resume, for that perfect touch! by Nisha Acharya
How to make a work resume which makes you stand apart from others as your resume speaks for you? What are the important ingredients a resume must have? Is your resume correct? These are the questions which often boggles the mind of job seekers. Following is a simple yet important list of points every employment resume should have in order to appeal to the employers.
Do make your employment resume a record that highlights your achievements and skills. This helps the employers in formulating good opinion about your caliber and your ability to deliver the expected results. Your accomplishments are in a way testimony to your expertise. For instance, you achieved 85% conversion rate in building the consumer base for your previous company. These achievements of yours will convey to the employer that you are efficient enough to convince the clients or consumers and will add to the company's revenue.
Do follow a clear, simple and basic format that helps the employers garner the information quickly requiring minimal effort. This helps in building a good impression on the employers as it is very natural that they lose their interest while reading a complex structured career resume. Keeping a clear and simple format is more likely to be appealing to the employers.
Do follow a bulleted pattern to make your employment resumes reader-friendly. It is generally considered that employers impart between 2.5 to 20 seconds while going through resumes. The bulleted style is preferable to paragraph style, as it saves time of the employers and is appealing.
Do maintain order of importance. It is advisable to keep information in order of importance to the employer. For instance, while mentioning about your jobs, it is relatively more important to mention your title/position, followed by name of the employer, city/state (location) of employer, dates of employment, etc.
Also it is advisable to list experience and education in reverse chronological order on your career resume. It is considered that your most recent education and experience are of more relevance to the employers.
About the Author
Nisha Acharya is a blogger who frequently writes on various topics. Find more of her career tips and advice.
Source: Free resume samples, free job resume templates, resume examples information at
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Resume Template-Your way to dream job
Free Resume Samples Articles : Resume Template-Your way to dream job by Kamran Chy
If you do not know how to make a resume, don't become hopeless - you will be able to find all types of free resume templates to fill out and create a professional resume if you spend the time to search. A lot of sites on the Net will be highly assistive in providing free resume templates which are useable and you can download them and then you only have to have your personal information substituted.
Job hunting is never fun and could be discouraging sometimes. However having a professional, attention-getting CV is exceedingly crucial since it's employed as a salesman who will act and speak on you behalf when you are not in front of the person who's doing the hiring. You need your CV to fully reflect your skills and experience in addition to your ability to do the job.
There's no single fixed and accurate way to put together a resume. Everybody makes theirs in a different style. That's why using a few free resume templates which you will be able to benchmark could truly assist in resolving how you wish your CV to look. These templates could usually be downloaded to your hard drive and after that all you have to do is fill out your information and you'll be left with a resume you can be pleased of.
You will come across several different free resume templates to select from. Go through all of them and you can definitely find one that you like and that looks good. Just download that, or if you have already downloaded it, start filling in your information. Make sure it follows some basic requirements of a resume, like having a white margin of a few centimeters all around the page and divided into sections for different categories like personal information, education, experience etc. That's all you have to check, the rest could be in different styles and types and could still be acceptable.
About the Author
To get powerful and effective tips on writing your resume click here--> Resume Template and download your free Resume Template NOW.
Source: Free resume examples, free job resume samples, resume templates information at
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Create a Resume That Comes Alive
Free Resume Samples Articles : Create a Resume That Comes Alive by Lou Clark
More often than not, resumes are your first introduction to an organization - giving them the responsibility of persuading the reader to want more. It is common for individuals to agonize over writing a resume and more often than not the finished product looks more like a career obituary or personal statement than a first class ticket to your dream job. A resume is an advert, an advert that introduces an individual, their career achievements to date and predicts how they will perform in their next role.
With only one resume out of every 200 leading to an interview, it is important to ensure that yours is the one that gets noticed. There are a number of key tips to writing a resume that will come alive in the readers' hand, read on to find out more.
Step 1 - Research
Before starting to write your resume you need to do some preliminary research so you can tailor it to the jobs that you wish to apply for. Writing a broad resume can exclude you from specific positions that you apply for.
o What do I want to do? Research job specifications, websites, industry press.
o What makes me the best candidate for any job? Research job specifications, websites and industry press to discover the types of candidate's organizations are looking for. Use this research and speak to people within the industry to draw up a list of your skills, characteristics and experience that makes you the best candidate for any job.
o Select the jobs that you would like to apply for
Step 2 - Write your primary job objective (this gives the reader incentive to read on)
An XX position in an organization where YY and ZZ would be required.
Step 3 - Write your summary
Using the research and brainstorming create a summary that articulately matches your skills and experience to the job requirements.
o A short phrase describing your profession o A statement of broad or specialized expertise o Use 2/3 additional statements o Breadth & depth of skills o Unique mix of skills o Special or well documented accomplishment o Awards, promotions or superior performance o 1 or 2 professional or appropriate personal characteristics o Add in the sentence you created in Step 2
E.g. Solution focused and driven human resources executive with eight years experience in strategic management and large scale recruitment projects. The national lead for retention policies within a large healthcare provider that has lead to a 15% reduction in turnover among nurses nationwide. Seeking a senior HR management role that offers extensive project work.
Step 4 Resume Format
Now you have your job objective and summary, choose what format of resume best suits your type of job search. There are 3 main types of resumes:
Chronological - This is the most common. It is a chronological listing of your work experience with the most recent first. It is best for:
o People who have practical work experience without long periods of unemployment and minimal job / industry changes.
o Individuals who have shown growth within a single professions
Functional - This resume format focuses on skills, credentials and accomplishments. It highlights what the strengths are rather than when / where they were developed. The main formatting difference is that after the job summary / objective you list your professional or business skills and successes, followed by a list of the positions held. It is best for individuals who:
o Have lots of job experience and many jobs o Are just entering the work force with no / little track record o Are just pre-retirement and have lots of work experience o Are returning after a period of absence (return after maternity/paternity leave or long term sickness) o Are changing careers / do not have consistent career growth o Are Military personnel seeking civilian jobs
Combination - This resume format is a combination of the chronological and functional types. It is best for individuals who:
o Are advancing in the prospective careers and have an established track record they want to keep.
Step 5 Success Stories
Whatever format you choose you still want to include between 2-5 professional success stories for each role you have had. A useful method to help you create a strong resume is the mnemonic is CARS. For each job held think of Challenges you faced, Actions you took, Results or outcomes and finally Skills / Strengths that this showed you have. Using this story to create a sentence that speaks to how successful you were at your previous role. Remember to refer back to the words used and requirements detailed in the job description and use them where necessary so your resume is tailored to the hiring manager's specific requirements.
C - We needed to recruit 10 nurses before the opening of a new hospital ward in 4 wks time
A - Worked with team to create a shorter recruitment turnaround time, created a Team Leader specific to the project and negotiated the buy in of senior managers to sign off new recruits.
R - Recruited and trained all 10 within the 3 weeks, reducing the predicted $500k agency spend.
S - Negotiation, team leadership, meet deadlines, motivation, intuition and creative problem solving.
Resume - Successfully managed a team that recruited 10 nurses, expedited their training and start date in order to meet a 1 month deadline, saving the hospital a predicted $500k in agency spend.
Step 6 Education & Publications
Enter in reverse chronological order after your work experience and accomplishments.
The only time you put education directly under the summary would be:
o Recently graduated
About the Author
Lou Clark is a Career & Interview Coach and founder of Être Coaching based in NYC. With a successful background in Human Resource Management, formal coach training & accreditation with the ICF, Lou is experienced in providing support and coaching through career change. Visit Etre Coaching!
Source: Free resume examples, job resume samples, resume templates information at
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15 October 2008
How to prepare a resume to work abroad
Free Resume Examples Articles : How to prepare a resume to work abroad by Richard Penfold
Your CV / Resume for Working Abroad
You have had enough that's it. You've decided to emigrate leave your old life behind and start again. You've picked the country you want to move to know what visas/ work permits you need and now it's time to start looking for that all important job.
Where do you start? First thing is to look at your CV/ resume. Why? Different countries have different standards. Some like factual CV /resumes others like will like a sales document.
Let me explain, if you wanted a job in Germany for instance you must include a photograph (remember to put your details on the back of the picture).
You present your Resume / CV in a binder and include copies of all your education certificates and any references from former employers. They are not interested in your personal hobbies, but applicants should include their parents' details and occupations.
Resumes / CVs follow a strict chronological order starting with employment details and ending with education.
Your Resume / CV should be signed below on the right, next to the place and date in the left-hand corner.
However in Australia they would be interested in your personal interests, especially if you were a president of a club or a football captain etc.
In France they are also very interested in your personal interests but unlike Australia you must include a handwritten cover letter with your CV/ Resume (the only exceptions are to be found in some parts of the IT sector). In Japan you would need to fill out a Rirekisho. A Rirekisho is more a personal profile than a way to show your talents. Japanese companies would not want a sales CV/ Resume they want someone that shows them they are a team player.
Want to work in the UK then your CV/Resume must show what you have achieved you must sell yourself to the employer. Give highlights of your achievements not a complete detailed account of every task.
However if you where applying for a job in Russia your CV/ Resume would need to be hand-written and extremely detailed. You would not be able to put in bullet points, you would have to write full sentences and explain everything that you had done.
In New Zealand your CV/ Resume would be less structured with no set format and can be up to 3 pages.
Leave out Age, gender, marital status, ethnicity or health.
They also like plain looking document so only use a basic font such as Times New Roman, Garamond or Arial.
Whatever country you are thinking about emigrating to, please remember some basic advice.
Always include your telephone number with the international dialling code and up to date Email address.
Another very important thing to remember is time zones. It would be a very good idea to check how far forward or back there times are and make a suggestion when the best time to ring would be, otherwise you may get a call at 3o'clock in the morning and you might not sound your best.
Hope you found this information useful and good luck with your new life.
For detailed information on other countries please visit US
About the Author
Have been working in the recruitment industry for 11 years and specialises in Risk Management and Business Continuity.
Source: Free resume samples articles, job resume examples, resume template information at
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How To Write A Resume...Need That Job?
Free Resume Samples Articles : How To Write A Resume...Need That Job? by Nic Roberts
Are you a recent grad? Or maybe you have found yourself looking for a job? Whatever the case maybe here are some tips on how to write a resume.
1)Remember that a great resume can get your foot in the door.So take the time to think about your experience and what type of job you're looking for.
2)Look online for sample resumes and use them as a reference.
3)Above all be honest. It is better to be honest than to have to answer for something later.
4)Be professional. You can most definetly show a sense of humor but at the same time be professional above all else.
5)As a rough draft write down everything you want to include on your resume.
6)Always check for typos and grammatical errors. This may seem like a given but I have seen more resumes with simple typos.
7)If you are unsure of how to write a resume or you would like assistance. There are many sites online that offer their services of resume writing.
I hope you have found these tips helpful on how to write a resume.
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Find Out The Secret To Over $100,000 In Sales Just From Forum Marketing! The Fastest Way To Online Cash!
Source: Free resume samples articles, job resume examples, resume templates information at
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Resume Writing Guidelines
Resume writing is probably the first and most effective skill that you will have to develop for your job search. Get an idea of writing good CV so that you can get interviews.
Resume writing is not an easy task but it is crucial to your job hunting success. Your resume sells everything about you in minute. Your resume expresses your skill set and your experience to the employer. Once he has finished screening through your resume your employer would have formed a fair idea of your personality. The ideal resume should therefore be able to emphasize the exact strengths that you have for the job and make you one of the strong candidates for the job.
Resumes are normally of two categories, Chronological and Functional. Chronological Resume - This is a simple and logical format that most people tend to understand easily. It is an easy format for people who have stuck to a logical career path. Here the events and experiences are mentioned in a chronological manner with recent jobs listed first. Functional Resume - This is the best option for someone who is shifting jobs, because it focuses more on the different functional abilities you have accumulated over the years.
MAKE A PLAN Think about what jobs you are targeting, what experience do you have? What education do you have? Do you have any volunteer work? Have you received any awards? What do you want to include in your resume? These questions will help you get started.
Ascertain and note down all that quality and feature you have. And sort it as per Do's and Don'ts shown below.
MAKE IT BRIEF: Remember, no interviewer has the time to go through a roundabout and lengthy resume; they usually have dozens of resumes to read. The average time taken to scan a resume is about 30 to 40 seconds. So, make it brief. If your resume is short and to the point, you are better able to express to the reader all that you want to.
USE TECHNICAL TERMS AND INDUSTRIAL KEYWORDS IN YOUR RESUME: Use requisite technical terms and industrial keywords in your resume; it communicates the precise information that you want to get across and also gives the impression that you are fully conversant with technical terminology of your field, but avoid unnecessary jargon.
BACKUP EXPERIENCES WITH ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Recruiter wants to know you have the specific experience the job requires. List your experience with giving example of accomplishments that show that the experience was successful.
GIVE CORRECT CONTACT INFORMATION: Review you phone number and e-mail to ensure it is correct. Careless mistakes sometimes cost people jobs if their phone number incorrect.
REVIEW YOUR RESUME BEFORE YOU SEND IT: Always ask a few people to proof read your resume before you send it. Make sure to look for spelling errors and grammatical mistakes or errors of syntax. It gives a bad impression if an ill-drafted resume littered with mistakes is presented. It gives the feeling of a negligent and unprofessional attitude. Do not simply rely on spell check.
DO NOT EXCEED MORE THAN TWO PAGES: Make your resume no longer than two pages, preferably one. More than two pages will be boring to interviewer. They will almost always make a decision as to if your resume warrants an interview after the first page - usually after the first half of the first page.
DO NOT INCLUDE PERSONAL INFORMATION SUCH AS HOBBIES AND INTEREST: The hiring manager only wants to know about your education, experience and accomplishments as they relate to the job for which you're interviewing. Personal information adds nothing to your resume and you run the risk of stating something that the hiring manager doesn't like. Only include those hobbies and interests which are relevant or connected to that job.
DO NOT MAKE CORRECTION: Do not make correction on your resume or add an extra letter to a word you misspelled with pen or pencil. This completely destroyed the professional image you are trying to portray. No white out. Create entirely new version of your resume.
DON'T BE SHY: Don't be withdrawn to tell them about the awards you have won.
DO NOT LIE: Lying is not a good way to start off a new job. If your employer finds out you have lied on your resume, or "stretched the truth" there could be serious consequences, including the loss of your job.
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Professional Article Writer website
Source: Free resume samples, job resume examples, resume templates information at
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Labels: Resume Writing
13 October 2008
Yes, you need a cover letter!
Free Resume Cover Letter Articles : Yes, you need a cover letter!
The cover letter is an essential document in your job search. If you want to end up on the "contact for an interview" list, read on to learn how a professionally written cover letter can benefit you.
People ask me daily, "Do I really need a cover letter?"
And every day I answer, "Yes, you do!"
The cover letter is an essential document in your job search. If you want to end up on the "contact for an interview" list, read on to learn how a professionally written cover letter can benefit you.
A cover letter announces what position you would like to apply for.
Imagine you are a decision maker for a Fortune 500 company. This company receives over two million internet hits daily on its careers page. Now consider how many resumes might be submitted each week. Without an accompanying cover letter, the hiring manger has to weed through the resume pile, attempting to discern what job- seekers are applying for. It is likely that many of the resumes end up being tossed aside. Sending a cover letter keeps the hiring manager from making assumptions when it concerns your resume.
A cover letter offers an added opportunity for you to market yourself.
What do you have to offer an employer that is distinctive? Do you have interests or expertise not listed on your resume? Sending a cover letter allows you to explain more of your "features and benefits" and demonstrate all of your unique qualifications. If you are willing to work extended hours or weekends, you can include this information as a unique selling point.
A cover letter allows you to explain details you avoided in your resume.
Why is there a large gap in your employment history? Are you changing careers? Why are you interested in XYZ Company? Why are you applying for a job in Tampa when you live in Denver (was it a mistake or are you relocating)? You can utilize your cover letter to answer many questions a hiring manager might have when reviewing your resume.
A well-written cover letter demonstrates excellent communication skills.
In every job, communication is important. Even if you do not directly interact with clients or customers, you will interact with coworkers and supervisors in meetings, in the lunchroom, and over the telephone.
It's well known that job-seekers with good communication skills are highly sought after in today's job market. Sending a cover letter suggests good business etiquette and proves that you have common courtesy; both are qualities of someone with solid communication skills.
A cover letter provides you the opportunity to ask for the interview.
Yes, you should request an interview, and you can do this without asking an actual question. Tell the employer how much you would love the opportunity to meet with them. As an added bonus, you could explain what you plan on doing for the company once you get started. If you're feeling confident, go ahead and say you will call to arrange a meeting with them.
A cover letter can reveal that you have done your homework on the company.
If you illustrate that you know a few things about the company, you will seem more believable when you express how enthusiastic you are about the company and how excited you are by the opportunity. Sending out the same generic cover letter template to 50 job announcements just can't create the same effect.
Source: Free resume cover letter information at
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04 October 2008
Cover Letter Examples
Free Job Resume Cover Letter Articles : Cover Letter Examples by Mario Churchill
For anyone wanting to write the perfect cover letter, job resume cover letter, there are certainly many resources out there. Just type "cover letter example" into a search engine such as Google and you'll get so many hits that well, you won't know what hit ya! There are websites that will walk you through it every step of the way, websites that will charge you, and websites that are free.
You will pick up useful information along the way, to be sure. One small tidbit: there are two types of cover letters, job resume cover letter. There is the Specific kind of cover letter, where you write to one specific person, at one specific company, about one specific position. There is also the General type of cover letter. Instead of addressing any one specific person, this would be addressed to: Dear Employer. There would be no date on the cover letter. The focus would be on the applicant's experience and credentials.
You can find sample cover letters, samples and templates, all over the Internet, specialized even. Just a few that I can recall seeing are cover letter examples for Analysts, cover letter examples for Teachers, cover letter examples for Artists, cover letter examples for those wishing to work at a consulting firm, and cover letter examples for General /Business Admistration.
There are always sites that are willing to make you beautiful and outstanding cover letters. Formatted perfectly with just the right amount of information and said in such a way that it would seem every sentence was prepared by a combination of Rhodes' Scholars and poets.
However, you need to make sure that whatever is on that cover letter, came straight from you. You are the only person who can tailor your cover letter to yourself perfectly, because, well, you are the only you! And, it is you applying for the job, right? I thought so!
You can look at all the cover letter examples that you want, and in fact, you should. They are a great resource and can really give you some great ideas and inspiration. But at the end of the day, be true to yourself and make sure you are the one writing the cover letter and representing yourself in the best light possible, after all, this is the very first chance you have to make an impression on your prospective employer.
By researching as many other cover letter examples as you can, you'll find that the ones that usually bring the most success to people are those that while putting forth every accomplishment with panache, also stay as short and free of fluff as possible. Many employers get several hundred applicants for a single job, if your cover letter doesn't grab them, it is unlikely that they will even read through your resume, and that is certainly the opposite of your intention. So, by looking at cover letter examples of people who have jobs you admire, and then imitating their style to suite your own unique set of skills and personality traits, you should be on your way to creating your own, rockin' cover letter!
About the Author
Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on cover letter or cover letters checkout his recommended websites.
Source: Free job resume cover letter articles, cover letter samples and templates information at
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Cover Letter Mistakes: Don't let this happen to You
Free Job Resume Cover Letter Articles : Cover Letter Mistakes: Don't let this happen to You! by John Groth
Here are some ideas on how not to write a cover letter. Don't let these blunders keep you from the job you want.
The right cover letter will make you stand out from the crowd. You've just come across a job opening that exactly fits your skills and experience. Don't rush drafting the cover letter, pay attention to detail and you'll likely make the first cut and get the interview. But what can you do, or not do that will severely hurt your chances in getting the interview?
1) You fail to address the letter to the hiring manager: Finding the name of the hiring manager is a simple as a phone call or a few minutes on the internet. If you call, get their extension number, as you will probably be calling again. This small item will get you off to a good start.
2) You fail to indicate the job you are applying for: Many employers have a number of ongoing job openings. If you fail to put a reference line between the employers address and the salutation, or indicate the job you are applying for in the first paragraph, the hiring manager will not guess and your submission will likely get thrown out.
3) You fail to address none of the job requirements: The employer lists specific needs and skills in the job announcement. If you fail to focus on these needs your cover letter will impress no one.
Personalize your cover letter by speaking to the employers need and the skills required in the job. Use the words in the job announcement and tie them in to your achievements and skills. In this way, the personalized cover letter will show that you understand their needs and you've spent some time tying their requirements to your experience.
4) You fail to include contact information: Many times the applicant will put their contact information on their resume and not put duplicate contact information on the cover letter. If the two documents get separated and the resume gets misplaced your chance of an interview goes down to zero.
5) You fail to add a call action: You want to make the hiring manager do the least amount of work as possible in order for you to get an interview. One of the ways you can ease their burden is by calling them to follow-up. State that you will call them in a certain amount of time - say one week or on a specific date - and be sure to do it.
Don't worry about coming across as too aggressive. Its acting proactively which employers think highly of and you can expect them to take notice. Of course they may call you even before you get a chance to give them a ring, but that's a good thing.
Cover letters that show you have paid attention to the details will get your cover letter and resume in the "to interview" category. Take your time with the details, craft the best cover letter that you can and you'll find more employers wanting to interview you.
About the Author
John Groth is a career coach. Find valuable Career Development Ideas, in-depth articles and a free seven day career planning guide. Discover up to date recruitment and Job Hunting strategies; all to assist you in developing and advancing your career.
Source: Free job resume cover letter articles, cover letter samples and templates information at
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The Stellar Cover Letter
Free Job Resume Cover Letter Articles : The Stellar Cover Letter by Mario Churchill
Picture this, you have an awesome resume that shows that you are more than qualified for the position you are applying for. You submit it Company XYZ and wait for your phone to ring, which you are sure it will be moments after they receive your resume. Hours go phone call. Days go phone call. You call Company XYZ to confirm that they received your resume and are told briskly that yes they have it, but they are still reviewing your resume. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months and still the phone never rings. You did everything right, your resume was stellar. Your resume showed you had all the qualifications if not more. Why did your phone never ring? Why did no one ever contact you for an interview? Where did you go wrong?
Well the answer is simple. Your resume was stellar, but where was your stellar cover letter? Did you send a cover letter? No?!?! Well here is what a stellar cover letter can you do for you, it can get you noticed! Yes your resume is impressive with all your experience but it doesn't show an inkling of your personality. This is where the cover letter comes in. Yes, your resume shows that you have the qualifications to do the job, but how will a company know if you are the type of person who will fit with the job? Most applicants believe that they can wait until the interview to sell themselves to the company. This is not a smart idea, because nowadays most companies aren't even going to call you for an interview without a great cover letter.
So what is a stellar cover letter? How does it differ from just a cover letter? Essentially it's a sales letter and you are the product. You are selling yourself to the employer. Your cover letter needs to be tailored to the employer needs, not to your needs. This means that for every different company you apply to, you will probably need a different cover letter. Why you might ask. Well the answer is simply this you are essentially are telling the employer how you meet its company's needs and as we all know each company has different needs. So why would you send the same cover letter to an employer whose needs you aren't meeting? You wouldn't. You would be wasting your time as well as theirs. A stellar cover letter is customized to show how you fit that employers needs.
Another thing to keep in mind is to reiterate the most important aspects of your resume. Especially those that fit the job description. You might even have to do a little research on the position you are applying for. You may be extremely active in your community or sing with a local band, but unless the employer is a talent agent, they do not need nor do they want to know that. . Stick to what they need to know in the cover letter. Emphasize the skills that are required to do the job and do it better than any other applicant. Show enthusiasm for the position, show how passionate your are about work and how you are willing to learn new skills all the time.
Don't forget to educate yourself on the company. Just as the employer wants to know why you fit with the company, you should find out why the company fits with you. Mention the company's accomplishments and how that only makes you want to work for them more. Impress them with your knowledge of the company. Your letter should end with your availability for an interview. It is key to be aggressive when asking for the interview. If its possible state that you will follow up with them in a few days to set up the interview. Go a step further and give a specific date and make sure you follow up. If you say you are going to contact them on the 15th, do not wait until the 17th to contact them.
You've worked really hard to build up that resume and you finally find an employer whose qualifications you meet. Perhaps more importantly they meet your qualifications for what you want in a job. Why miss the opportunity to make a great first impression, with a great stellar resume?
About the Author
Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on cover letter resources checkout his recommended websites.
Source: Free job resume cover letter articles, cover letter samples and templates information at
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