Free Job Resume Cover Letter Articles : The Stellar Cover Letter by Mario Churchill
Picture this, you have an awesome resume that shows that you are more than qualified for the position you are applying for. You submit it Company XYZ and wait for your phone to ring, which you are sure it will be moments after they receive your resume. Hours go phone call. Days go phone call. You call Company XYZ to confirm that they received your resume and are told briskly that yes they have it, but they are still reviewing your resume. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months and still the phone never rings. You did everything right, your resume was stellar. Your resume showed you had all the qualifications if not more. Why did your phone never ring? Why did no one ever contact you for an interview? Where did you go wrong?
Well the answer is simple. Your resume was stellar, but where was your stellar cover letter? Did you send a cover letter? No?!?! Well here is what a stellar cover letter can you do for you, it can get you noticed! Yes your resume is impressive with all your experience but it doesn't show an inkling of your personality. This is where the cover letter comes in. Yes, your resume shows that you have the qualifications to do the job, but how will a company know if you are the type of person who will fit with the job? Most applicants believe that they can wait until the interview to sell themselves to the company. This is not a smart idea, because nowadays most companies aren't even going to call you for an interview without a great cover letter.
So what is a stellar cover letter? How does it differ from just a cover letter? Essentially it's a sales letter and you are the product. You are selling yourself to the employer. Your cover letter needs to be tailored to the employer needs, not to your needs. This means that for every different company you apply to, you will probably need a different cover letter. Why you might ask. Well the answer is simply this you are essentially are telling the employer how you meet its company's needs and as we all know each company has different needs. So why would you send the same cover letter to an employer whose needs you aren't meeting? You wouldn't. You would be wasting your time as well as theirs. A stellar cover letter is customized to show how you fit that employers needs.
Another thing to keep in mind is to reiterate the most important aspects of your resume. Especially those that fit the job description. You might even have to do a little research on the position you are applying for. You may be extremely active in your community or sing with a local band, but unless the employer is a talent agent, they do not need nor do they want to know that. . Stick to what they need to know in the cover letter. Emphasize the skills that are required to do the job and do it better than any other applicant. Show enthusiasm for the position, show how passionate your are about work and how you are willing to learn new skills all the time.
Don't forget to educate yourself on the company. Just as the employer wants to know why you fit with the company, you should find out why the company fits with you. Mention the company's accomplishments and how that only makes you want to work for them more. Impress them with your knowledge of the company. Your letter should end with your availability for an interview. It is key to be aggressive when asking for the interview. If its possible state that you will follow up with them in a few days to set up the interview. Go a step further and give a specific date and make sure you follow up. If you say you are going to contact them on the 15th, do not wait until the 17th to contact them.
You've worked really hard to build up that resume and you finally find an employer whose qualifications you meet. Perhaps more importantly they meet your qualifications for what you want in a job. Why miss the opportunity to make a great first impression, with a great stellar resume?
About the Author
Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on cover letter resources checkout his recommended websites.
Source: Free job resume cover letter articles, cover letter samples and templates information at
04 October 2008
The Stellar Cover Letter
Resume Cover Letters
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